
Showing posts from 2016

2 lines and the sea

It might be a common sight for you, but watching a pale blue sky decorated with candy - floss like clouds that could support a lovely grey castle, over a massive expanse of glistening water, brings to life a dormant child - like excitement in me. The hot grainy sand sends me sprinting to a rather cool patch of drenched shore, and as I squint up to look at the horizon, and immediately watch the waves crash and recede from my feet; I can't help but  think that it's not me who asks the waves to stay, but the waves pleading to me. - A child on the beach Instagram


I peeped from behind the bushes. It's cold and dark; I couldn't see. I walked down a rough forest path; It was uneven and tiring. I could smell the leaves but I couldn't quite feel them, The rain had made the soil difficult to walk on. I continue searching and sit by the hot crackling sound of fire. I suddenly forgot why I was so frantic when I could just stop. It eventually came to me.